about us

Welcome to our site www.muzicjazz.blogspot.com. Enjoy life related necessary lesson,unlimited Fun, download your need,fulfill your dream,Express Your Self....A life of pleasure makes even the strongest mind frivolous at last. A friend is someone, who upon seeing another friend in immense pain, would rather be the one experiencing the pain than to have to watch their friend suffer. muzicjazz also for all friends. Enjoy the moment. again welcome to all thnx for being to our Family.. more ever A true friend is an asset to us. he stand by us time of danger. he is obviously not a selfish person. he alwayes wishes for the welfare of us. but it is a matter of great regret that such an ideal friend is very rare nowdays. many aperson may behave like friends but a few of them might be genuine if u be a real friend? You are friendly, kind and caring Sensitive, loyal and understanding Humorous, fun, secure and true Always there... yes that's you. Special, accepting, exciting and wise Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright Yes that's you... not one bit of spite. You're one of a kind, different from others Generous, charming, but not one that smothers Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game But not just another... in the long chain. Appreciative, warm and precious like gold Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old You'll always be there, I know that is true I'll always be here... always for you.and I wanna be like them. so stay with us.thank you.